I absolutely love your calendars. I bought 2 last year( one for my aunt) and I bought one this year and will continue to buy one every year. Thank you so much for making these.
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Important Notice regarding the "Here we Fucking go Again" Calendar:
If you purcahsed a version of the "Here we Fucking go Again" calendar anywhere online that was not on our website, paperbunnypress.com, it is a counterfeit and is NOT affiliated with our brand. Our design was stolen and is being resold and reproduced illegally. The counterfeit calendars are poor quality, have incorrect dates, and a fuckton of misspellings. The counterfeit calendars are in no way a reflection of the quality and thoughtfulness that go into the designs produced at Paper Bunny Press.
Our legal team is working hard to remove the counterfeit calendars from the internet. If you would like to buy the legit PBP calendar that isn't full of bullshit, you can purchase it here.
-Samantha of Paper Bunny Press